Random Dude
I recognize that look
I see it all the time
You probably think that I’ve lost the plot
You worry bout my state of mind
You think I’m lost in conspiracy
But I can see things you might never see
Cuz I’ve found a place where the actual truth
Is handed out to anyone for free
I’ve been searching for the truth
For as long as I can recall
I was pretty young when I realized
They were lying to us all
The government, church and the media
Their lies are a complete disgrace
But I found a source for the real story
He been there a while, out in cyber space
He’s got a website on the internet
He’s the strangest guy that you ever met
Don’t know where he lives or his real name
Can’t say for sure that he’s completely sane
A chip on his shoulder and a bad attitude
But that’s my guy, he’s just some random dude
I tried going to the library
Talk to some folks who had a pHD
Conversed with a government entitiy
Took a course at the university
I would watch the news or a documentary
But all of their lies never satified me
He doesn’t need evidence, science or math
To get to the truth, the dude found a different path
The dude told me some remarkable facts
Like world not round it’s completely flat
He says the deep state had JFK shot
UFOs are real, covid was not
Chemtrails are part of population contrl
With 5G & vaccines they’re killing us slow
When he told me 911 was an inside job
I kinda had to conclude
That he knows his stuff, the random dude
You might trust your scientists,
Doctors and lawyers too
You might trust your experts and
Everything the media’s feeding to you
But I know better I know who to ask
I know someone who’s thought it through
I know a random dude on the internet
He always tells me what’s really true
He’s got a website on the internet
He’s the strangest guy that you ever met
Don’t know where he lives or his real name
Can’t say for sure that he’s completely sane
A chip on his shoulder and a bad attitude
But that’s the guy, he’s just some random dude
I once did my own research very seriously
Looking for websites that agreed with me
But these days I hardly even bother to read
I got more answers than I’ll ever need
He knows a hell of a lot and he’s never been wrong
if you want to know more all you gotta do is go to random dude
That’s random dude dot com
I met a guy. He had very extreme political ideas and seemed to believe in every possible conspiracy. I asked him where he learned the things he was saying. He told me he know of a guy in Germany who was a fantastic source. Afterward it occured to me that the “guy in Germany” could be anyone, and that it was a pretty dubious kind of source for all his supposed knowledge. Little by little the guy in Germany became the Random Dude.